Friday, February 5, 2010

First official doctors visit

I had my first official doctors visit today and I heard the heartbeat of my little baby. The heartbeat was 160 which makes me think I am having a girl. I originally thought it was a boy, but my boys heartrates were always 120-130 and Cassi's was always 150 or higher, so I change my prediction. We find out for sure what we are having on April 2nd. What do you think it is?
Here is my baby bump. I have never shown this much at only 11 weeks. I made them check for two babies, but they said their was only one.


Nicole said...

Congratulations!!! Hope your feeling good!

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

So, I actually had to do some research on the whole heartbeat/sex of the baby thing for school, and I found out that there is no correlation between the two--its just an old wives tale. That being said, I think you are having a boy, because you always told me you felt like you had one more boy waiting to come to your family :)