Monday, May 10, 2010

Wyatt lost two teeth

Wyatt had a permanent tooth growing behind a baby tooth so we went to the dentist and he had to pull the baby tooth. While he was numb the destist asked Wyatt is he wanted him to pull the other one that was loose. Wyatt said yes so now he has two teeth missing and he is very excited about it. He is one of the last of his friends to loose a tooth and he has been anxiously waiting for his turn. He even got a little treasure chest to keep his teeth in which was pretty neat. I guess the tooth fairy will be visiting tonight. How exciting!


Buchanan Fam said...

I'm glad that you put this on Facebook so that I can check out your blog. Cute family!!!

WOLF-PACK said...

So cute!! Those are my favorite pics of Addison- when she was missing those 2 bottom teeth.