Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm Pregnant

I realized I hadn't really announced that I AM PREGNANT!!! I am due August 27th and all there is to report so far is that I have beed really sick, more sick that any of my other pregnancies. Thank goodness I have a loving an supportive husband and great kids. We will hear the heartbeat on February 5th and then I will have more to report.


WOLF-PACK said...

Yeah!! Congrats. Sorry you're so sick though. You're living room looks great. I need your help decorating this house ;)

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

I am so happy for you! I still remember the first day I met you and Matthew was just a couple of weeks old :) You and Scott make beautiful children.

Jessica said...

Congratulations! That is great!! Did you know that I am pregnant, too- due June 28th. I haven't gotten around to announcing it via blog or facebook yet either. Sorry about being so sick- I was more sick than ever with this one, too. (And good job on finally updating your blog!)

Pistolmom said...

Oh brother NW Minuteman! :)
Congratulations!!! You and Scott have done well. Such a beautiful family and I can't wait to see the new one! Jen